On this page you will find all the documents and videos you need to professionally install your Hotbath taps. Still not found what you were looking for? Then take a look at the product page of your faucet. At the bottom of the product pages you will find all technical and installation drawings for that specific crane.
Changeover replacement of the B021
Instruction video about replacing the diverter element (SPOM123) of the Buddy B021 (2012-2016) and the B016 (2011-2015)
Replace thermostat (SPOM1)
Instruction video about replacing the thermostat element (SPOM1) from the tap house from 2010 – 2015.
Change diverter (SPOM122)
Instruction video about replacing the diverter element (SPOM122) in the crane house from 2010 or earlier
Changeover replacement of the B022
Instructional video about replacing the diverter element (SPOM1602) in a Buddy construction crane B022
Replacing the interior of the UW001
Instruction video about replacing the interior (SPOM53) in a fountain tap UW001
Replacing the perlator of the UW001
Instruction video on how to replace / remove the aerator (SPOM475) in a fountain tap UW001
Replace cartridge B003
Instructional video about replacing the cartridge (SPOM1501) in a built-in washbasin tap Buddy B003
Replace cartridge B004
Instruction video about replacing the cartridge (SPOM24) in a built-in washbasin tap Buddy B004
Replace cartridge B005(J)/B006(J)
Instruction video on how to replace the cartridge (SPOM24) in a Buddy B005(J)/B006(J)
Replace changeover cartridge (SPOM1602) – Laddy
Instructional video about replacing the diverter internals (SPOM1602) in a Laddy built-in thermostat L009/L009R
Replace changeover cartridge (SPOM1602) – Cobber
Instruction video about replacing the diverter internals (SPOM1602) in a Cobber built-in thermostat CB009
Hotbath instructions
Instruction video about thorough maintenance of your overhead shower. Note: This does not apply to products with a living color or lacquer finish.
Mounting the Pushbuttons
Instruction video about the final assembly of the Pushbutton built-in thermostats PB009/PB009Q
Replace diverter (SPOM120)
Instruction video about replacing the diverter internals (SPOM120) in a Laddy built-in thermostat L009/L009R
Removing buttons from the L009(R)
Instructional video about mounting/removing the buttons on a Laddy built-in thermostat L009/L009R
Replace/clean filters & check valves
Instructional video on how to replace/clean the filters and check valves in a Laddy Built-in thermostat L009/L009R
Replace thermostat (SPOM129)
Instruction video on how to replace the thermostat (SPOM129) in a B021 surface-mounted thermostat. “note, older models have two screws”
Replace thermostat (SPOM715)
Instruction video on how to replace the thermostat (SPOM715) in a Buddy/Cobber surface mounted thermostat (C)B008/(C)B016/(C)B020.
Replace thermostat (SPOM745)
Instruction video on how to replace the thermostat (SPOM745) in a Buddy/Cobber surface mounted thermostat (C)B008/(C)B016/(C)B020.
Replace thermostat (SPOM745)
Instructional video about replacing the thermostat (SPOM745) in a Buddy/Cobber built-in thermostat (C)B007/(C)B009/(C)B012.
Securing the Glijmof SDS shower set
Instruction video on how to secure the sliding sleeve with an SDS shower set. The sliding sleeve is included in the following shower sets: SDS1, SDS3, SDS8, SDS9, SDS10 and SBS1.
Securing the Glue Pad (SPOM414)
Securing the sliding sleeve on an M305, M306, M271 and M273 sliding bar. The shower rail is located in the shower sets: IBS1, IBS2, IBS3, IBS5, IBS7, IBS20, IBS21, IBS22, IBS23 and IBS24.
Remove thermostat knob C008
Instruction video about mounting/dismounting the thermostat knob of the surface-mounted thermostat Chap C008.
Remove thermostat knob F008
Instruction video about mounting/dismounting the thermostat knob of the surface-mounted thermostat Friendo F008 and F016.
Replace aerator with aerator key
Instructional video on disassembling an aerator with an aerator key.
Remove thermostat knob B016
Instruction video about mounting/dismounting the thermostat knob of the surface-mounted thermostat Buddy B016.
Remove thermostat knob A008
Instructional video on how to remove the thermostat knob. This instruction video is applicable to the Amice A008.
Remove thermostat knob B021
Instructional video on how to remove the thermostat knob. This instructional video is applicable to the Buddy B021.
Replace thermostat cartridge (SPOM43)
Instruction video on how to replace the thermostat cartridge (SPOM43) in a Cobber / CB009.
CB077 replace diverter mechanism (SPOM326) Instruction video about replacing the diverter mechanism (SPOM326)
CB009 Apply extension set (SPOM1641-1642)
Instructional video for applying an extension set for the CB009 (SPOM1641-1642)
Set up CB7067 thermostat (SPOM1603)
Instructional video on how to set the thermostat of the CB7067 (SPOM1603)
CB7067 replaced internals (SPOM1600)
How-to video on how to replace the internals of the CB7067 (SPOM1600)
CB7067 Apply Extension Kit (SPOM1641-1642-1616)
Instructional video on how to install an extension set for the CB7067 (SPOM1641-1642-1616)
CB005-006 apply extension set (SPOM741)
Instructional video for applying an extension set of the CB005-006 (SPOM741)
CB026 replace diverter mechanism (SPOM128)
Instruction video about replacing the changeover mechanism of the CB026 (SPOM128)